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Threshold Holding Ltd. (Malta) - Phone - Address

Threshold Holding Ltd. is a Malta company, located in VICTORIA (GOZO) VCT2504, you can browse Threshold Holding Ltd. phone, address, contact person, products and services, website, and etc for free. Threshold Holding Ltd. business info all on

Company Information

Company Name: Threshold Holding Ltd.
Registration Code: C 89552
Country: Malta
Date of Establishment: 2018-12-10
Address: Business House Suite 4 Archbishop P Pace Street
Total No. of Authorised Shares: 500 (EUR 1200.00)
Total No. of Issued Shares: 500 (EUR 1200.00)


Director: Malcolm Mejlaq; Roger Emile Purnelle
Shareholder: David Lucas Gerard Mottais; Douglas Ace Gyase; Roger Emile Purnelle; Jan van Loozenoord; Raul Masip Rebolledo; MICHAEL KONRAD WALTER PALZER
Update Time: 2020-09-25